Chiaroscuro with V-Ray


By purchasing the book: Chiaroscuro with V-Ray, you will also receive it in digital format, which you can consult until you receive the book.

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The book CHIAROSCURO WITH V-RAY is based on fine-tuning the chiaroscuro effect — the cornerstone for developing a render — while following the 5SRW™ (5-Step Render Workflow) photographic method, which combines the purely technical aspects of rendering with photographic concepts. Following the success of the previous book Photography & Rendering with V-Ray, the author retraces the classic themes of photography with new exercises, images, and insights, without forsaking the basics of the software, thus making the book usable, even by those approaching the method for the first time.

Working with the chiaroscuro effect not only improves the lighting but consequently the appearance of the materials, which, as in a real photograph, behave in accordance with the light surrounding them. After all, modeling with light is a classic theme in photography and painting, which gives a more in-depth view and great artistic momentum to the wonderful art
of photorealistic rendering.

Topics covered in the book:

00 – Introduction
01 – First Steps with the 5SRW Method
02 – Chiaroscuro Is the Key
03 – Rendering Modes
04 – Using V-Ray Like a DSLR Camera
05 – Light Balance
06 – From Basic to Advanced Materials
07 – Controlling Tone Distribution
08 – Exterior Rendering
09 – V-Ray Sun System
10 – V-Ray Fur, Bump and Displacement
11 – Complete Flow of the 5SRW Method
12 – IES, LightMesh and HDRI
13 – Chiaroscuro Analysis Techniques
14 – Animation: Optimizing Photographic Sequences
15 – Tips & Tricks

The book is suitable for any version of V-Ray NEXT 5 – 6 and previous releases

All explanations, concepts and results that can be obtained
are not bound to a specific version of V-Ray.
They concern the application of photography to the rendering engine,
are therefore applicable to both versions NEXT 5 and 6 .
For the type of approach the book is also apreciated
from users who use V-Ray for Rhino, SketchUp, Maya and C4D.

To read the summary and the introduction CLICK HERE

Information about the author

The author Ciro Sannino, who has a degree in Industrial Design, has been dealing with 3D and rendering since 1997. He’s an official instructor and V-Ray Mentor, certified by Chaos Group (the manufacturer of V-Ray) and, since 2012, has been holding conferences worldwide on the application of photography to rendering. He’s also in charge of the online content of, a course complementary to this book, in which you can study practically and in-depth by carrying out and solving different scenarios.
He developed the 5SRW™ (5-Step Render Workflow) method, which has been successfully implemented in his live workshops and is described in this book.

Contents of the attached DVD:

Attached to the book is a DVD containing a folder called V-Ray, in which you’ll find the .MAX files, textures, videos relating to the concepts explained, and the .JPG files of the images contained in the book

To whom is this book addressed?

The book is intended both for those who have never used V-Ray, as well as those who are already familiar with the software but are looking for a way to organize their ideas in a simpler and more straightforward way.


Informazioni aggiuntive




Ciro Sannino


244 colors


€ 57.00

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